Intoxalock Calibration Locations Near Me (2025)

1. 2024 Intoxalock calibration locations

  • 3 dagen geleden · Intoxalock state specialists provide 24/7 support and help guide you through the installation, calibration, and removal of your IID.

  • 404

2. 2024 Intoxalock calibration locations - Adana 01 Bocholt | Willkommen!

  • 3 dagen geleden · Book your Installation or calibration appointment with Intoxalock today LOGIN Link to main website . 1981 Philadelphia Ave. Intoxalock state ...

  • 404

3. Find a Location - LifeSafer

Find a Location - LifeSafer

4. Low Cost Ignition Interlock Installation Locations

  • Find a Low Cost Ignition Interlock installation service center near you. State approved service centers handle installation, calibration and removals.

5. Intoxalock Ignition Interlock, 10662 422, Shelocta, PA 15774, US

  • Intoxalock has more locations than any other provider, and we can find an interlock installation location near you. ... calibration, and removal processes ...

  • Get more information for Intoxalock Ignition Interlock in Shelocta, PA. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.

6. 2024 Auto zone closest to me

  • intoxalock calibration locations near me. Your one-stop shop for top-quality auto parts, accessories, and trustworthy advic. Your go-to ...

  • 404

7. Over 2,000 Smart Start Ignition Interlock Installation Shop Locations

  • Smart Start Locations by State. Choose a state below to find a location near you and call us today to schedule your installation appointment.

  • With more Ignition Interlock Installation locations than anyone, Smart Start gets you back on the road fast. Schedule an appointment today.

Over 2,000 Smart Start Ignition Interlock Installation Shop Locations

8. Contact Us | LifeSafer Ignition Interlock

  • LifeSafer has nationwide location coverage with convenient locations in your area. Find your nearest location today! Find a Location.

  • For more information on LifeSafer ignition interlocks, or to find out if you are eligible to regain your driving privileges, contact us now.

Contact Us | LifeSafer Ignition Interlock

9. Certified Ignition Interlock Manufacturers

  • ... location near you. Alcohol Countermeasure Systems. · ​​Ph: (877) 888-7250. Intoxalock. www.intoxalo​ ​. Ph: (833) 210-8428.

  • You are seeing this page because we have detected unauthorized activity. If you believe that there has been some mistake, Contact Security to describe your case.

10. Get On The Road Easier with Smart Start's Ignition Interlock Device

  • Find a location near you! location. Use my Location. Smart Start ... me at the phone number and/or email address above via phone, text, and/or email using ...

  • Make your Ignition Interlock requirement frustration-free with Smart Start's affordable, simple, discreet and reliable car breathalyzers. Click to learn more!

Get On The Road Easier with Smart Start's Ignition Interlock Device

11. Interlock Device Installation Locations Near You

  • By clicking the button above, you consent to one or more of the listed businesses (Consumer Safety Technology, LLC, including Intoxalock, US Court Assessments, ...

  • Find ignition interlock device installation locations near you. We recommend top state certified interlock installers in your city and state.

Interlock Device Installation Locations Near You
Intoxalock Calibration Locations Near Me (2025)


Can you get Intoxalock calibrated anywhere? ›

Allows Out-of-State Calibration? Allows Early Calibration? Yes, but can only be completed at a certified Intoxalock service center. Yes, if Intoxalock is an approved vendor in the state the customer is requesting the calibration take place in.

How do I talk to a live person at Intoxalock? ›

To speak to a representative, call 844-535-0260. Or fill out a contact form and one of our dedicated customer service representatives will respond to you.

What is the grace period for Intoxalock calibration? ›

Your driving privilege could be suspended or revoked if you do not comply with your IID restriction. IID noncompliance includes the following: Failing 1 time to service the IID within 60 days. Failing 3 or more times with the requirement for maintenance or calibration within 60 days.

What happens if I don't calibrate my Intoxalock on time? ›

What happens if I miss my required calibration appointment? It's important to calibrate your device on time to prevent lockouts or violations on your account. Calibrations are required by the state, not the interlock provider, so failure to comply may result in penalties from your state.

Can I get my Intoxalock calibrated on the due date? ›

You must order your calibration 7-10 days in advance of your calibration date to avoid service interruption. The easiest way to do this is through MyAccount. After this, you can call your service center to schedule your appointment.

How long does a interlock calibration take? ›

Every 30 days (60 in some states), you'll return to one of our locations for a calibration appointment. The Interlock's data will download and the Device will also refresh. You also make your next payment. Calibration appointments usually only take about 15 minutes.

Does the Intoxalock camera always record? ›

The answer to this very commonly asked question is an emphatic no. The camera on an interlock device is not capable of recording video; it is merely snapping a photo any time a person provides a breath sample.

How many failed attempts on Intoxalock? ›

If you fail a second time, the period you have to wait before trying again will be longer. In many states, the third attempt is your last chance. Pass the test and you can start the vehicle. Fail the breath test, and the device will lock you out permanently.

Does interlock record sound? ›

The ultimate answer to the question about the in car camera is that it will not capture anything else that you do in your car or truck. The ignition interlock device and its camera has only one purpose: to ensure that the vehicle's driver is sober while behind the wheel.

Do I have to start my car everyday with Intoxalock? ›

Your vehicle batter must remain charged at all times to accommodate your Intoxalock. If you don't drive regularly, it is critical that you start your vehicle at least four (4) separate days per week for at least five (5) minutes each to allow the battery to remain charged.

What happens if Intoxalock detects alcohol? ›

If alcohol is detected during a random retest while you're driving, the device will alert you to pull over safely, but it will not stop your car. Test results, including failed tests, are reported to the appropriate state monitoring authorities, which could affect your driving privileges.

Why does my interlock say lockout in 4 days? ›

A common reason for interlock device lockout is a failed test. If your interlockdevice detects alcohol during a test it will result in a failed test message. If you have not consumed alcohol, you may be able to complete a retest after ashort period of time.

What BAC will fail Intoxalock? ›

What Happens if You Fail an Interlock Test? You need to keep your BAC below 0.02% to pass the initial breath test. If you fail a breathalyzer in your car, your vehicle will not turn on and you'll have to wait sometime before you can take the test again.

What if your battery dies with an interlock? ›

When your car's battery dies or is disconnected, your interlock device will record the event as a potential violation, since tampering with the car's battery could occur when someone tries to bypass their interlock device.

What not to eat or drink with Intoxalock? ›

Interlock Device and Foods to Avoid
  • Sugary Foods. We all love donuts, sweet rolls and chocolate. ...
  • Fruit & Fruit Drinks. Elementary science teaches us that fruit can ferment. ...
  • Spicy Foods. ...
  • Vinegar. ...
  • Energy Drinks. ...
  • Vanilla Extract. ...
  • Mouthwash. ...
  • Certain Diets.

How do I order calibration on Intoxalock? ›

You can place the calibration order through MyAccount or by texting us if you have enrolled in our text messaging program. Next, call your service center to schedule your appointment. There is no need to call Intoxalock.

How many interlock violations can you have in California? ›

In the state of California, you are allowed five violations within a service period before your violation will result in a violation lockout.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.