The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)

I THE WEATHER TENNESSEE Fair tonight and Friday. to heavy frost tonight. Cooler in west and extereme south portions tonight. (THE NEWS-BANNER AND THE HOME JOURNAL COMBINED) fe Per Copy VOL. No.

211 MURFREEESBORO. TENNESSEE. THURSDAY, November 5, 1931 Tk larfreebor New. EsUUitkeJ UO The Home Established. J886 niii ALERTNESS STRESSED anil Griddern Autpiro Goiiiiii Here-Satiirday: BY C.

OF C. SPEAKER AT JOINT LUNCHEON L. P. Dickey and Lelaml Hume, National Officials, Speak. FOX TITERS TO EN CHASE TONIGHT WITH WELL FILLED SLATE orif Blowing anl Danciiig Contest Are Among Features.

CAST AT 10 O'CLOCK Two Real Races Staged Last Night; Bench Show Win-ner Named A 1,1 Si L'ARGE CROWD PRESENT Rotary, Kiwanis and C. of C. Represented At Meeting. "Put your house in order so that you will be able to take advantage of ev-ery changing condition," P. Dickey, manager of the Southwestern division of the National Chamber 'of Commerce told nearly 75 business men at a joint luncheon of tlie Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and the chairmen of all standing committees of the local Chamber of Commerce at noon today.

-7; Mr. Dickey, who has been associated 1 in Chamber of Commerce work for more than 20 years, was here with Le-lahd Hume, of Nashville, one of the dhectors of. the national organization. Mr, Hume spoke only briefly giving his time to Mr. Dickey who made an interesting address on business conditions of today.

W. R. Bell, president of the Chamber of Commerce, presided and presented Mr. Dickey andJtfr-Hume, The luncheon was held at the James r.mleMMmHmm&fmimmt tl I- iirrn-iniYiM'-'-'tal Finis will be written to the best fox hunt tlTe "one gailusers" have ever-staged tonight when the final cast of the annual three-day hunt, of the unique organization takes place about 10 o'clock near Readyville. The belated cast is due to the.

fact that the buck and wing dancing and horn blowing contests and several other features are on the night program which must be dispensed with, before the hounds are allowed to resunie their chase. Last night, all but 49 the original ready one hundred hounds had been scratched and those 49 gave the one gallus hunters a couple of real races. One bunch of about 15 dogs went ovei'' Pilot's Knob while the remainder of the pack struck a fox's trail and went in the direction of Bradyville. Large Crowd Present The- large crowd which waS present for the affair were given a real treat as the musics of the 49 hounds came back to thejn intermittently for a long time. Old timers say it was a real race and there are tome real old timers! in the "one "gallus" gang.

A The final cast will take place tonighf of the Chamber of Commerce and the News-Journal are sponsoring this event and the public has been given a cordial invitation to visit the airport and see the unique craft. It will be here rom "2730" 1T3 riginat plans cal- Parker Indicted In Dowelltown Robbery. K. Polk Hotel. -Get Acquainted Trip" In prefacing his remarks', Mr.

Dickey stated that he was here on a "get acquainted trip" and to bring about closer contact between the business leaders of Murfreesboro and the national (Continued on rage Three) TEACHERS READY FOR WFSTTPMJFWFMJS ItlMIU STOP AT SKY HARBOR -SATURDAY AFTERNOON Unique Craft Will Visit At Local Airport for One llour.u. PUBLIC! IS INVITED C. of C. and News-Journal To Sponsor Appearance. Here.

i The Beech Nut Gum Autogiro. piloted by Prank Faulkner, now making a tour of southern cities will visit Tennessee's Sky Harbor Saturday afternoon, November 7th. This interesting ship, with its rotor blades; which enables it to land vertically in a very small space, wil. arrive at Tennessee Sky Harbor 'at 2 :30 o'clock Saturday afternoon from Chattanooga. This ship will remain at Sky Harbor one hour and during this interval Pilot Faulkner will given an exhibition flight.

Pilot Is Skillful This will be most Interesting exhibition and will afford an excellent opportunity to the citizens of Murfreesboro and Rutherford county to view an autogiro in flltfit under the control of one of the most skillful pilots in the United States. Pilot Faulkner has flown over 25,000 miles in an autogiro and is master of this ship in every detail. Every citizen of Murfreesboro and county is cordially invited to. Visit Sky Harbor on Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 o'clock to view the arrival of the Beech Nut Autogiro (Continued on Page Three OVERTON IS FAVORED IN MEMPHIS ELECTION Crump 'Organization Back Incumbent Small J1 Vote Expected. Memphis, Nov.

5 (U.RVr-Memphisvd-ters went to the polls today in A city election which has to date furnished no thrills and which may result in nothing more than Incumbents beins returned to office by a vast majority City police were massed at the polls, however, to avoid trouble when mild threats of order were at; police headquarters. Mayor Watkins Overton, seeking reelection, has the support of the strong Shelby county machine which is directed by Congresshian Ed Crump. He and his ticket was conceded victory by a large ma political Observers-. The opposition was hastily formed and was rallied under the banner of the People's Economy C. C.

Pashby, aged and partly crippled candidate for maiorki newcomer in politics here and was given little chance of being elected. Others on his ticket were equally unknown. JURY DUE TO GET 1 RRITTON CASE TODAY Toledo, Ohio, 5 (U.RV-A. jury was scheduled today to begin weighing claims of Nan Brittoifjthat C. A.

Klunk Marion hotel keeper, libeled her by selling copies of the "Answer to the President's Daughter," whia brands as false that hei! assertions that Warren G. Harding was the father of the chi d. Miss Britton asked $50,000 damages. Federal Judge John M. Killits was to begin reading his charge when court reconvened today, and it seemed like th jury would begin deliberation before noon.

Opposing counsel concluded their final arguments yesterday. WVilVUluiU CALDWELL MOTIONS UNDER ADVISEMEt; Defense Asks Dis-- missal. Heading North; Will Play Here Coral Gables, Nov. 5 Spl.) The University of Miami weather bu reau reported a football hurricane to-1 night sweeping northward across Flor-1 Ida. Georgia and Tennessee.

The Hurricane Is expected to break' loose in all of its fury next Saturday, November 14 against the Tennessee Teachers at Murfreesboro. Coach Tommy McCann and the Uni-verslty of Miami gridiron squad entrained Wednesday night of its invasion of Kentucky and Tennessee which wil. bring it into contact with three S. 'f: A-. A.

teams within eight days. 6 The Miami team will reach Murfreesboro at 11:45 Friday morning, November 13, from Paduca, where Armistic Day the Hunlcanes meet the Murray Teachers; The players will limber up Friday afternoon and Saturady will meet their fourth S. I. A. opponent of the season, ARMISTICE DAY PRIZE LIST IS ATTRACTIVE Legion Planning for Gala Event; Plans Near Completion.

Rutherford county legionnaires are panning for one of the biggest events they have ever sponsored on November 11. Plans ae going forward rapidly and all indications! point to a highly successful show. Following is a list of part of the Ar-mictice Day prizes: Trotting race First prize, $5.00 donated by American Legion. Second prize, $2.50, given by Murfreesboro Bank and Trust company. Third prize 100-pound sack of dorse feed, given Jay Fite Peed store.

Mule Race First prize, given by First National Bank and Commerce Union Bank. Second prize, $2.50 given by American Legion. Thirl prize, 50-pound sack of flour given by. C'arehce Saunders Grocery. Pony race for boys 14 years old and under: First prize.

One pair of Bifcwn-bilt shoes given by Jetton and Brown Shoe Store. Second prize, One Ever-sharp pencil given by Stickney and Griff is. Third prize, three pa ir of boys golf hose given by Charles Stores. Attendance prize at night on the square to a member of the Legion Aux-(Continuert nn page LAST MHVUTE FLASHES Nashvi'le, Nov. 5 (U.R A complete denial that he was In the wrong was issued this by D.

D. Robert son, state banking superintendent, who Is under fire today' in a suit for his immediate suspension rom duty, and his ultmate removal from office. Tokyo, 5 (U.R) Chinese casualties in the China-Japan affair at Non-ni, were reported to be 200 today. Japan estimated their dead at 40. Cookeville, Nov.

5 U.R The state health department today joined Putnam county physicians in the battle to save four members of the fam'ly of James Morse from the dreadful "milk Whether or not the victims will be taken to Vanderbilt Hospital rests with Dr. D. F. Milan of the state department who rode to the home 14 miles from here this morning. SECRETASinS MEET New Orleans, Nov.

3 (U.R) S. H. Marrs of Austin, secretary of Jfie state department of education pre- sided today at the opening session of I the Gulf states regional conference of secjetaries. Delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas and Tennessee are attending, v. land to bring out and develop latent ments.

i 'n atf 1'000 Present' with befitting ceremony to a very JSi' achievement is the reward for determi nation and tireless effort. Let's Go! The eyec of. sport fans are focused on the candidates. Will you be a winner or an "Also Ban?" Remember! just an extra spurt added to continuous effort is -'the essential of -success. Battling Nashville.

Nov, U. S. John J. Gore late yesterday took under advisement pleas of federal government for new hearing and defense petition to dismiss the move entirely. In connection with the fight to remove Rogers Caldwell to U.

S. court at Louis-; ville, for trial there. Criminal Judges Chester K. Hart and Charle Gilbert, both of Davidson county, R. M.

Atkinson, district attorney general, and other state officials testified that the state did not waive its claim of priority for jurisdiction of Caldwell, but would not enter active protest against his removal. Several weekse ago Judge Gore remanded Caldwell to bondsmen responsible for his appearance in state courts. The present move, led by A. V. Mc-Lane, U.

S. district attorney here.and James A. Wharton, special investigators from the U. S. attorney general's office at Washington, will be passed on in the next two or three days, Judge Gore Indicated.

led for fie p'ane to continue- on to Nashville but the of C. and the News-Journal got in touch with company officials and arranged for the Sky Harbor stop. 1 Local Traveling Salesman Taken to Smithville Jail. Indicted yesterday by the DeKalb county grand jury in connection with robbery of the Dowelltown Bank, Mar- Parker, Murfreesboro traveling saiesman wa8 taken to the smithville Jail late last night following his arrest here by Deputies Ooziei Bragg and Bill Petty andDeputy Summers smithville. Parker was arrested at his home on East Burton street about 8 o'clock last night.

Althouef officers say that he appeared to be exceedingly nervous, he denied any connection with the affair. Mr. Parker's wife was greatly disturb ed over the arrest of herjiusband and roon after left for Smithville accom panied by Ben "Firecracker" Cassety, under 40 year sentence for the murder of Mrs. Mary Royer Cobb near Camden this summer. Bandit Got $2,150 Cassety told local officers that he and Parker were in Smithville yesterday afternoon and while there talked to the cashier of the Dowelltown bank 'lich a few days ago was held up and robbed of $2,100 by a lone bandit.

Parker was questioned regarding the affair after he is reported to have been recognized ashe passed through Au-burntown with itdstranger uv-his ar shortly after the robbery took p'ace. However, after an investigation local officers declared they believed he was ot connected with the robbery and his indictment came as a surprise to them, A News-Journal representative talked to Sheriff Fouth of De Kalb over the telerj'ione this morning, and the sheriff said that Parker waWn Jail and refused to talk. He said that court is now under way in Smithville and some dlsoosltion might be made of the case at this time CENTRAL WILL PLAY MORRISON FRIDAY Central High School will go into action before the home flock Friday afternoon at three o'clock, meeting the stiong Morrison High team on Kerr field. The game should be fast and interesting and although Central High is favored to win, they are confident of having to put out all they have to cop the "victory. The Certral team has not been defeated this season and Coach Jobe's men are in excellent shape of the Friday setto.

Laf oon Continues pnJn Louisville, Nov. 5 (U.R) Judge Rubey Laffoon. democrat cf Madison- vffle," today held a consistent and in- creasing tead over -Mayor William B. Harrison ot Louisville, as returns were tabu'ated over all parts of Kentucky in the race for Governor. The figures which were 1,513 pre- eincts of the states 4,178 showed Laf- foon 176,340 and Harrison 131,105.

returns indicated a full demo- cratic cabinet would be installed. I Airminded Murfreesboi-oans and Rutherford countians will have an excellent opportunity to see an autoglro in action Saturday afternoon when the Beech Nut. ship of this type lands at Sky Harbor, The aviation committee FAST BOXING SHOW IS SET FOR TONIGHT Chigger Buntin to Meet Fay etteville Boy in Headline Attraction. Twenty-four rounds of fast glove slinging are expected tonight when the Y. M.

C. A. stages a boxing show in the Bynum-tStephens garage at eight o'clock. The feature attraction will bring together Chigger Buntin, pride of the State Teachers College, and Potent ClarkjDfrayetteville in eight rounds Chigger has established himself locally as a real battler but little is known of the Fayettevllle fighter. In the semi-final, Harry Moore of Portland and Mickey McGuire of Murfreesboro will step through a six-round battle.

Other matches on the card are a fix-round bout between Billy Bruce of Portland and Bobby Workmanof Mt. Pleasant, a four-round opening attraction, and the ever popular battle royal. Ladies will be admitted free to the fight tonight and general admission will be fifty cents and ringside seat, seventy-five cents. Due to the fact that boxing shows have been scarce in Murfreesboro in recent months a large crowd is expected to turn out for this entertainment. r-- -1 FRANCE TO BUILD POWERFUL PLANES Copywrighted by L'nited, Press Parte, France, Nov.

8 U.R The pos-sibi ity of airplanes crossing the Atlantic in five days within the next ten years was predicted today by Jacques Louis Dumesnil, French minister of war, in announcing an important Pi-ehchTbuildingfogrfim of tiigbr speed combat planes. He Informed the United Press of the building of a super compressed airplane mdtor 6f 800 horsepower, weighing 100 pounds and capacity of 350 milometer-miles an hour. RETURN OF LAIIIEUS PLEASES CHURCHES College Grove, Tenn" Nov. 5(SplJ The members of the College Orove Wesley's Chapel and Triune Methodist churches are very much pleased oyer the return of Rev. Paul F.

Lanieus, their pastor, by Bichop H. M. Duboise for the fourth year as, pastor of these churches. Rev. Lanieus is one of -the ablest young pastors of the conference and is also district lecturer the Ma'-onlc lodge for the 32 counties of Middle Tennessee.

Jury In Poieon Case Deadlocked Lebanon, Nov. 5 (U.RV-After deliberating for two nights and one day the circuit court jury charged witfi deciding the fate of Mrs. Carrie Simmons on murder charges resulting from the poison deaths of her two daughters, was still out early today. It was reported the Jury was deadlock ed at 10 to 2, and Judge John Hornday indicated last night he would discharge the group should it appear today a verdict could not be reached. Why I Read1 Newspaper Ads I read the ads in the newspapers because of the time and steps saved.

By reading them you know what you can find, where to find it and who has Desi quaiuy ana most ecunuuuctu price too, the "man who advertises usuairyha5 the bestnncr wants folks to know it, so he advertises in the best i newspapers You will also see things advertised that you hadn't thought you needed or 3puld afford but after Eeeing the quality and price advertised, why, you Just must, have that! Reading- themNow trying for a trip to Miami. MRS. O. C. NORTHCUTT.

Murf leesboro, Route 5. CHURCH CONFERENCE IS WELL ATTENDED Murfreesboro Is Represented At Shelbyville Meeting. Shelbyville, Tenn, Nov. 5 (SpD- The annual1 'all day Missionary meet of the Christian churches at Tullahoma, Murfreesboro, and a'lelbyvil'e was held in the First Christian church here Tuesday with eighty-five attending-twenty-five each from the two neighbor cities, and the presiding Officers representing the churches were Mrs. John Marlin, Tullahoma," Mrs.

Thornton, Murfreesboro, and Mrs. C. C. Thompson, Shelbyville. A splepdld program was rendered Tullnfioma giving an impressive playlet, "The Young Woman's Missionary Society" and Murfreesboro interesting ta'ks "The American by Mrs, Sipple, "The Indian," by Mrs.

McNeal, and a beautiful solo by Deery Riggs also Mrs. Frank Stowers of Shel-byvi Special features by other visitors were talks (ably givn by Miss Martha James of Nashville, -Gen. Secretary of the Mission Work of the state, Mis. Mazie T. Allan of Nashville, third district secretaryancL Mrs.

Belt White of Roanoke, Ala president of the state work in Alabama. At the noon hour a lovely luncheon was served in the dining room of the churcfi. Seven Students Make Good Mark College Grove, Nov. 5 (Spl.) The following students- of the College Grove Hieh School having made an average of 90 or more on their mid-term examinations are Elizabeth Graham, Elizabeth Dobsqn, Mary Graham, Katherine Waldren, Almena Roberts, Beulah Lamb and Ruby Young. TAXICAB WRECKS Miss Lannle May Hollis sustained scalp wounds" early lat tiight when the taxlcab irf which she was a tas-enger was- wrecked on- the Leb anon pike 'hear the citv Miss Hollis was taken to the Hospital.

The taxi was badly damaged. -'Renort Savs Memnliiaus In Good Shape For ot Tufesle If ere1-: well coached and equally dei aed eleven will clash on the State ers college field Saturdayaf ter so when the West Tennessee xeach- om Memphis visit Murfreesboro II tsetto with the local clan. I "Murfreesboro Teachers, with the r-irnof Osteen. will be in fine i md the contest looms as a toss klh either team liable to spring PL he game is one of the best, on 'eachers calendar a large crowd fcected PHIS OUTFIT GOOD SHAPE iemphis; Nov. 5 U.R) Hard scrim-ges have rounded out the training i vest in die th tfest Tennessee Statfe Teachers col- preparation for their game with Tennessee Teachers Saturday the sauad, with porslbly one ex- ition.

seems td be In good condition. a back, may be out of the game offering from injuries received In the rkansas Aggie clash last 1 Saturday, Frosh eleven will journey to Ripr whUe the vareity squad plays at Murfreesboro. FORMER KENTUCKY OFFICIAL IS SHOT i Bowling Green, Nov. 5 (U.RV Brigadier General Henry D. Denhardt, former lieutenant governor of Kentucky, was shot through the lungs this morning by W.

K. Dent, election worker, and may not survive his wounds. T-oTit oiitimnhil salesman, whom H. Hines. another election worker Wed to kill Tuesday when ballots were casi in the general election, fired five shots at 'Denhardt, 'the latter 'unarmed, df op-" ping his victim in the board of trade entrance shortly iftet 8 o'clock this morning.

Denhardt, democratic leader in this section fo5 years, served as lieutenant governor under Governor W. J. Fields whose office expired when Flynn t. Sampson occupcd the off ice. MISSIONARY KILLED Nanking.

China, Nov. W. Vinson, member. of the American Pres- bvterian Mission at Haichow, has been killed by (Tiinese bandits who kidnap-, ed him November the American consulate here was informed today. FACTS Courtesy Sky Harbor Weather Bnreaa Maximum temperature yesterday, 70.

Minimum thia morning, S3. Son rises tomorrow at 6:14. Sufi ets tomorrow at :44. Precipitation, none. 4 Contestants Pardoned Forger Walks From Pen; To See Homef oiks Nashville, Nov.

6 (U.R) "I feel just like going around and enjoying my freedom," W. L. Cherry, pardoned forger, whoce twelve years of fear end-ad -with his surrender, to Cincinnati police several weeks ago. Cherry was pardoned by Governor Horton yesterday and walked out of state prison at 10 o'clock this He had the prison dollar and a five cent piece in his pocket, In a prison suit, a drab color, as his gift from the state of "Where am I going? Why, I am' going to see the home folks down hV West Tennestee, I guess, but I'm not sure. Then I think I will go back to where I lived and worked so lopsj, respected by other folks." Fire Razes Home In Tucker town ii The home" of W.

T. Barrett in Tuc-kertown was destroyed fire this The entire roof was ablaze when firemen arrived and all efforts to battle the flames proved futile. Most of the house furnishings were lost. Last night firemen made a run 'to West Main street to extinguish a blazing truck and this morning answered an alarm to West College to extinguish a flue fire. HUMAN HEAD FOUND '1 Bridgeport, Nov.

5 (U.R) Police reported today that a human head was discovered on dump, behind the St. Stephens, church. For Prize Awards With characteristic American agi-es- justify the interest and assistance of siveness and dogged determination to their supporters. It is just such candidates in the Daily, News- tests as this that enables a person to Journal contest moved upward toward take inventory cf their personal quail-achievement of their: goal In a splendid fications for success in any venture. -manner last week.

While the compam jhave changed but very little, the vote totals have moved each one well along in the race to the finish. TuMic interest is approaching fever heat. Supporters and friends of each candidate, wi'io have lent their assist- ance In this week's vote-getting efforts, are "eagerly watching the progress of the campaign. Having entered the arena of public observation and lnteiest, every candi- date is on her toes to meet the supreme test of "her ability and popularity to.

The Daily News-Journal from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.